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Most recent fights

Chavo Guerrero (c) VS Jimmy Wang Yang VS Shannon Moore VS Funaki VS Hornswoggle VS Jamie Noble
WWE - 2007 - The Great American Bash 2007 - Open Match , WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Gregory Helms (c) VS Jimmy Wang Yang VS Scotty 2 Hotty VS Daivari VS Jamie Noble VS Funaki VS Chavo Guerrero VS Shannon Moore
WWE - 2007 - No Way Out 2007 - Open Match , WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Simon Dean VS Funaki
WWE - 2006 - The Great American Bash 2006
Dark Battle Royal
WWE - 2006 - WrestleMania 22 - Battle Royal Match
Brian Kendrick VS Nunzio VS Funaki VS Psicosis VS Paul London VS Super Crazy VS Gregory Helms (c) VS Kid Kash VS Scotty 2 Hotty
WWE - 2006 - No Way Out 2006 - Open Match , WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Kid Kash (c) VS Funaki VS Jamie Noble VS Gregory Helms VS Nunzio VS Paul London
WWE - 2006 - Royal Rumble 2006 - Open Match , WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Jamie Noble VS Funaki
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005
30-man Interpromotional Battle Royal
WWE - 2005 - WrestleMania 21 - Battle Royal Match
Funaki (c) VS Akio VS Paul London VS Chavo Guerrero VS Shannon Moore VS Spike Dudley
WWE - 2005 - No Way Out 2005 - Open Match , WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Spike Dudley (c) VS Funaki
WWE - 2004 - Armageddon 2004 - WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Funaki VS Mark Jindrak
WWE - 2004 - Judgment Day 2004
Akio VS Billy Kidman VS Funaki VS Jamie Noble VS Rey Mysterio VS Shannon Moore VS Chavo Guerrero (c) VS Nunzio VS Tajiri VS Último Dragón
WWE - 2004 - WrestleMania XX - Open Match , WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
The APA Invitational Bar Room Brawl
WWE - 2003 - Vengeance 2003 - Bar Room Brawl Match
Funaki VS Crash
WWE - 2002 - Rebellion 2002
Immunity Battle Royal
WWF - 2001 - Survivor Series 2001 - Battle Royal Match
Kaientai VS The Holly Cousins
WWF - 2001 - Judgment Day 2001 - Tag Team Match
Kaientai VS Lo Brown
WWF - 2001 - Royal Rumble 2001 - Tag Team Match
Steve Blackman VS Al Snow VS Funaki VS Perry Saturn (c) VS Test
WWF - 2000 - Unforgiven 2000 - Battle Royal Match , Hardcore Match , WWF Hardcore Championship Match
Triple H VS Taka Michinoku & Funaki & The Brooklyn Brawler
WWF - 2000 - SmackDown #47 - Handicap Match , Elimination Match
Hardcore Battle Royal
WWF - 2000 - WrestleMania 2000 - WWF Hardcore Championship Match , Hardcore Match , Battle Royal Match





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