What is CatchéDex?
The CatchéDex lists wrestlers you've encountered in your wrestling fan experience.
When you add a rating to a match, the wrestlers involved are added to your CatchéDex.
You can also record wrestlers you've seen in person (IRL) at a wrestling show.
Each wrestler listed in your CatchéDex earns you points, which make up your CatchéScore :
- - Each rating given earns 1 point.
- - Each different wrestler listed earns 10 points.
- - Each wrestler seen in person earns 20 points.
CatchéDex Cards
Roman Reigns
#221 - BBR 206
Like the pocket monsters we cherish, wrestlers listed in your CatchéDex are displayed as cards, showing various information.
ON SCREEN This badge indicates you've given at least one note to a match involving this wrestler
IN REAL LIFE This badge indicates you've added this wrestler to your IRL list
#.. Unique identifier of the wrestler on Brainbustr
BBR.. Wrestler's position in our BBR rankings, click here for more information
Number of notes you've given to this wrestler's matches
The card border is also colored according to the wrestler's ranking BBR position
Add Wrestlers to Your IRL List
To add wrestlers to your IRL list in your CatchéDex , go to a wrestler's page and click ADD IN REAL LIFE.
Browse CatchéDex
To view the CatchéDex of your friends and other Brainbustr members, visit their profiles and simply click CatchéDex.