Bomber Riki Bathugan
Matches of Bomber Riki Bathugan top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other. Statistics.
Has shared the ring a lot with
Most recent fights
Bomber Riki Bathugan VS Cerejeira VS Hiroshi Tanabota VS KAMIKAZE VS Keito Murota VS Faisao VS Magic Killer 2 VS Taro Yamada VS Mongol Man VS The Great Takeru VS Shingo Aihara
2025 -
The 5th Magic Box Nippon Festival
Royal Rumble Match
Taiwan Ramen Man VS Karasu Nasu VS KAMIKAZE VS Mongol Man VS Bomber Riki Bathugan VS Faisao VS Gakuto Suneya VS Masked HONJO VS Futotta Kobashi VS Nobuhiro Kaseda VS Keito Murota VS Panther Kid VS Hiroshi Tanabota
2024 -
2nd Magic Box Hanipon Festival
Royal Rumble Match