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Equipes de luta livre e estábulos
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Lutas mais recentes
Awesome Odyssey (Chris Copeland & Jackson Andrews) & Jordan Blade & Sidney Von Engeland & Ron Bass Jr. VS Brutus Dylan & Bruce Grey & Nikeem Avent & Tyler Voxx & Swinger
2023 -
6th Anniversary Show Volume 2: Don't Dream It's Over
Ten-person Tag team Match
Elimination Match
Balls Mahoney & Chilly Willy VS Simon & Swinger (Simon Diamond & Swinger)
2001 -
Guilty as Charged 2001
Tag Team Match
The Bad Street Boys VS Simon & Swinger (Simon Diamond & Swinger)
2000 -
Massacre on 34th Street
Tag Team Match
The Street Boys VS Simon & Swinger (Simon Diamond & Swinger)
2000 -
November to Remember 2000
Tag Team Match