Randy Savage (c) VS Hulk Hogan
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WrestleMania V
Luta Livre
King Haku
Shawn Michaels
Marty Jannetty
Big Boss Man
Tag Team
Ted DiBiase
Brutus Beefcake
Jacques Rougeau
Raymond Rougeau
Bushwhacker Butch
Bushwhacker Luke
Tag Team
The Warlord
The Barbarian
Mr. Fuji
Handicap WWF Tag Team Championship
Frenchy Martin
Ronnie Garvin
Tito Santana
Rick Martel
Arn Anderson
Tully Blanchard
Tag Team
André the Giant
Jake Roberts
Special Guest Referee
Bret Hart
Jim Neidhart
Greg Valentine
The Honky Tonk Man
Tag Team
The Ultimate Warrior
Rick Rude
WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship
Bad News Brown
Jim Duggan
Bobby Heenan
The Red Rooster
Randy Savage
Hulk Hogan
WWF World Heavyweight Championship
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