Resultados de WrestleARTS 19 The Crossroads Clash
Mostrar resultados Wrestle Arts - WrestleARTS 19 - The Crossroads Clash (Indianapolis, Estados Unidos - 2024)
Eric Dillinger (c) derrota Shawn Kemp
AIWF World Brass Knuckles Championship Match
Jordan Dye derrota Qassius Starr
Edrys Wolff & Kavron Kanyon derrotam Dalton McKenzie & Aaron Williams
Tag Team Match
Tripp Cassidy (c) derrota Dylan Cole e Kevin Panic
Three-Way Match
Wrestle Arts Triple Threat Championship Match
Ace Perry derrota David Ali
Rachel Armstrong derrota Heather Monroe e Arie Alexander
Three-Way Match
Josh Crane derrota Appollo Starr (c)
Wrestle Arts Global Openweight Championship Match