Resultados de The War To Settle The Score
Mostrar resultados Wildfire - The War To Settle The Score (Allen, Estados Unidos - 2024)
Data de difusão
Data de registro
Hillbilly Gil e Tim Arson derrota The Unknown
Three-Way Match
Colby Carmichael (c) derrota Jason Hendrix
Wildfire Junior Heavyweight Championship Match
Betty D & Shane Douglas derrotam Ethan Heyre & Emily Rose
Tag Team Match
Nick Hamrick derrota Corey Sparks
Adam Newsome (c) derrota Caleb Miracle
Wildfire Heavyweight Championship Match
Sgt. Jeffory Aldrich & Richie Slade & Tommy Rich derrotam Yakov & Brandon Idle & Smirnoff
Six-Person Tag Team Match