Resultados de Christmas Chaos 2023
Mostrar resultados OVW - Christmas Chaos 2023 (Louisville, Estados Unidos - 2023)
Jay DeNiro derrota Jebediah Blackhawk
Ragnar The Ruthless derrota ZDP
Harley Jane derrota Shalonce Royal e TT
Three-Way Match
TW3 derrota Beau Amir
Tony Gunn (c) derrota Jack Vaughn
OVW Heavyweight Championship Match
Ladder Match
Deget Bundlez derrota Maximo Suave
Orion derrota Will Austin
Dream Girl Ellie & Leila Grey derrotam Crystal White & Katie Gannon
Tag Team Match
Star Rider derrota Tony Evans (c)
OVW National Heavyweight Championship Match
Golden Lions (Cash Flo & Mahabali Shera) derrotam Beaches And Cream (Luscious Lawrence (c) & Omar Amir (c)) e The Overmen (Joe Mack & Luke Kurtis)
Three-Way Match
Tag Team Match
OVW Southern Tag Team Championship Match
Kal Herro derrota Adam Revolver
Freya The Slaya derrota Tiffany Nieves (c)
OVW Women's Championship Match
Special Guest Referee Match
Jessie Godderz derrota EC3
Chained Carnage Match