Resultados de Crossroad 12 To Hell
Mostrar resultados Fightback - Crossroad 12 To Hell (Mörfelden-Walldorf, Alemanha - 2023)
David Adili & Norman Harras derrotam Bernd Föhr & Rotation
Tag Team Match
Feyyaz Aguila derrota Adrian
Aaron Insane derrota Sunshine Timothy O
Chris Rush derrota Drake Destroyer
Chris Tate (c) derrota Jerry Blackwell (c)
Fightback Ultimate Collector Championship Match
Fightback Ultimate Collector Medaille Championship Match
Eddie Shah derrota Ronaldo Shaqiri
No Contest : Michael Noel VS Georges Khoukaz
Miro Liyan & Dan Newton derrotam Alex Duke (c) & Don Sheen (c)
Tag Team Match
Fightback Tag Team Championship Match
Biker's Brawl Match