Resultados de Slamilton - Part 2
Mostrar resultados BLP - Slamilton - Part 2 (Crown Point, Estados Unidos - 2022)
Billie Starkz (c) derrota Zoe Lucas
BLP Heavyweight Championship Match
No Contest : Swoggle VS Dan The Dad
Hot And Dog derrota Naturday Saints
Tag Team Match
Jake Something derrota Masha Slamovich
Tom Lawlor derrota Kevin Knight
Kobe Durst derrota Harlon Abbott
Alan Angels derrota Carlos Romo
Joshua Bishop (c) derrota Big Damo
BLP Midwest Championship Match
Tre Lamar derrota Chase Holliday e Jah-C e Malik Del Vonte
Four-Way Match
Isaiah Broner derrota Matthew Justice
Trik Davis derrota Vinny Pacifico
Kody Lane derrota Dillon McQueen
The Bang Bros (August Matthews & Davey Bang) derrotam Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini (c) & Kevin Ku (c))
BLP Tag Team Championship Match
Tag Team Match