Resultados de Showdown At The Shoreline
Mostrar resultados BLP - Showdown At The Shoreline (Michigan City, Estados Unidos - 2024)
Latinos Most Wanted (Koda Hernandez & Sabin Gauge) derrotam Eli Isom & Heather Reckless
Tag Team Match
Trevor Outlaw derrota Davey Vega
Aeroboy derrota Caleb Konley
Tragedy Boys (Gaston LaRue & Percy Drews) & Vinny Pacifico derrotam Dominic Garrini & Xay Garcia & Sidney Von Engeland
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Rico Gonzalez derrota Calibus
Jake Something derrota Danhausen
Rachel Armstrong (c) derrota Aleah James e Shazza McKenzie e Maggie Lee
Four-Way Match
BLP Arbo's Cheese Dip Big Cheese Championship Match
Joshua Bishop derrota Dex Royal
Bang And Matthews (Davey Bang (c) & August Matthews (c)) derrotam Highlight Reel (Damien Reel & Damon Reel)
Tag Team Match
BLP Tag Team Championship Match
Billie Starkz derrota Myron Reed
Kevin Ku (c) derrota Flamita
BLP Heavyweight Championship Match