Resultados de Over The Line
Mostrar resultados AIW - Over The Line (Youngstown, Estados Unidos - 2023)
Joseline Navarro derrota Holidead
Duke derrota Arthur McArthur
Cem Kaplan derrota Hardway Holloway e Marino Tenaglia e Vik Vice
Four-Way Match
Dominic Garrini derrota Logan Easton LaRoux
PB Smooth derrota Shaw Mason
Isaiah Broner derrota Philly Collins
Money Shot (Zach Nystrom (c) & Elijah Dean (c)) derrotam Rip City Shooters (Joshua Bishop & Wes Barkley)
Tag Team Match
AIW Tag Team Championship Match
Chase Oliver derrota Louis Lyndon
Carlito & Chase Oliver derrotam 9 To 5
Tag Team Match