Reka Tehaka & Tiffany Nieves & The Southern 6 ( Silas Mason & Alex Taylor & Kerry Morton ) VS Taylor Rising & Big Mama & Burchill & Country Gentlemen ( KC Cazana & AJ Cazana )
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The Southern 6
Silas Mason - Reka Tehaka
The Southern 6
Alex Taylor -
The Southern 6
Kerry Morton - Tiffany Nieves
- Taylor Rising
- Big Mama
- Burchill
- KC Cazana
- AJ Cazana
Joe Alonzo
Jaden Newman
Camaro Jackson
Ashton Day
Damian Fenrir
Tyler Franks
Rafael Quintero
Sodapop Hendrix
Scramble Eight-way NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship
Baron Von Storm
Jax Dane
Tommy Rant
Sage Chantz
タッグ NWA United States Tag Team Championship
Silas Mason
Reka Tehaka
Alex Taylor
Kerry Morton
Tiffany Nieves
Taylor Rising
Big Mama
KC Cazana
AJ Cazana
10人タッグマッチ Mixed
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