WrestleARTS 14
大会カード、評価、結果 Wrestle Arts - WrestleARTS 14 (Indianapolis, 米国 - 2024)
The Dragons (Ace Perry (c) & デイル・パトリックス (c)) VS Chase Holliday & Shawn Kemp
Wrestle Arts Global Tag Team Championshipマッチ
Jordan Dye VS Jeffrey John
David Ali VS Xodiak The Mystic
Brandon Prophet VS Jacob Johns (c)
AIWF World Brass Knuckles Championshipマッチ
Brayden Lee VS Kevin Panic (c) VS Deion Freeman
Wrestle Arts Triple Threat Championshipマッチ
Laynie Luck & Heather Monroe VS Alice Crowley & Rachel Armstrong
Tripp Cassidy VS Ace Perry
Appollo Starr (c) VS Aaron Williams
Wrestle Arts Global Openweight Championshipマッチ