Gorilla Position

Craig Pittman - Combattimenti

Guarda i combattimenti in evidenza | Fight Of The Night

Trova gli ultimi incontri di wrestling, ordinati per compagnia (WWE, AEW, NJPW, ecc.), wrestler (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, ecc.), stipula o data o luogo dell'incontro.

60 Man World War 3
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996 - World War 3 Match
Rick Steiner & The Booty Man VS Sgt. Craig Pittman & Scott Steiner
WCW - 1996 - Slamboree 1996 - Lethal Lottery Match , Tag Team Match
Joey Maggs & Craig Pittman VS Big Bubba Rogers & V.K. Wallstreet
WCW - 1996 - SuperBrawl VI - Tag Team Match
60 Man World War 3
WCW - 1995 - World War 3 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match , World War 3 Match
Craig Pittman VS V.K. Wallstreet
WCW - 1995 - Halloween Havoc 1995
Craig Pittman VS Cobra
WCW - 1995 - Fall Brawl '95: War Games
Chris Kanyon VS Sgt. Craig Pittman
WCW - 1995 - Bash at the Beach 1995
Jim Duggan VS Sgt. Craig Pittman
WCW - 1995 - The Great American Bash 1995
Sgt. Craig Pittman VS Scott D'Amore
WCW - 1995 - The Great American Bash 1995
Mark Starr VS Sgt. Craig Pittman
WCW - 1995 - Slamboree 1995





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