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Trova gli ultimi incontri di wrestling, ordinati per compagnia (WWE, AEW, NJPW, ecc.), wrestler (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, ecc.), stipula o data o luogo dell'incontro.

Beastman & The Barbarian & Meng VS Nick Hamrick (c) & Cannon Christopher (c) & Shane Douglas (c)
ACW - 2024 - Extreme Impact - Six-Person Tag Team Match , ACW Six Man Tag Team Championship Match
Honor Rumble Match
NJPW ,  ROH - 2019 - G1 Supercard - Honor Rumble Match
New Japan Rumble Match
NJPW - 2016 - Wrestle Kingdom 10 in Tokyo Dome - Royal Rumble Match , New Japan Rambo Match
Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 2001 - Royal Rumble 2001 - Royal Rumble Match
Terry Funk (c) VS Crowbar VS Meng
WCW - 2001 - Sin - Hardcore Match , Three-Way Match , WCW Hardcore Championship Match
Brian Knobbs (c) VS Norman Smiley VS Meng VS Fit Finlay
WCW - 2000 - Souled Out 2000 - Four-Way Match , WCW Hardcore Championship Match
Meng VS Norman Smiley (c)
WCW - 1999 - Starrcade 1999 - Hardcore Match , WCW Hardcore Championship Match
The Total Package VS Meng
WCW - 1999 - Mayhem - The Night of Champions
Meng VS Wrath
WCW - 1998 - Halloween Havoc 1998
Meng VS The Barbarian
WCW - 1998 - Road Wild 1998
60 Man World War 3
WCW - 1997 - World Ward 3 1997 - World War 3 Match
Glacier & Ernest Miller VS Faces of Fear (Meng & The Barbarian)
WCW - 1997 - World Ward 3 1997 - Tag Team Match
Wrath & The Barbarian VS The Faces of Fear
WCW - 1997 - Fall Brawl '97: War Games - Tag Team Match
Meng VS Chris Benoit
WCW - 1997 - The Great American Bash 1997 - Death Match
Chris Benoit VS Meng
WCW - 1997 - Slamboree 1997 - Death Match
The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge) VS Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) VS Faces of Fear (Meng & The Barbarian)
WCW - 1997 - SuperBrawl VII - Tag Team Match , Three-Way Match
Faces of Fear (Meng & The Barbarian) VS Outsiders (Kevin Nash (c) & Scott Hall (c))
WCW - 1996 - Starrcade 1996 - Tag Team Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
60 Man World War 3
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996 - World War 3 Match
Faces of Fear VS Outsiders (Scott Hall (c) & Kevin Nash (c)) VS The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags)
WCW - 1996 - World War 3 1996 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match , Three-Way Match
Four Horsemen (Steve McMichael & Chris Benoit) VS Faces of Fear (Meng & The Barbarian)
WCW - 1996 - Halloween Havoc 1996 - Tag Team Match





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