Gorilla Position


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Trova gli ultimi incontri di wrestling, ordinati per compagnia (WWE, AEW, NJPW, ecc.), wrestler (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, ecc.), stipula o data o luogo dell'incontro.

Kentaro Shiga & Takao Omori VS The Fantastics (Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers)
AJPW - 1996 - Super Power Series 1996, notte 5 - Tag Team Match
Maunakea Mossman & Lacrosse VS Holy Demon Army (Masao Inoue & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi)
AJPW - 1996 - Super Power Series 1996, notte 5 - Tag Team Match
Aja Kong VS Manami Toyota (c)
AJW - 1995 - Zenjo Movement 1995, notte 40 - WWWA World Championship Match
Kaoru Ito & Mariko Yoshida & Reggie Bennett VS Las Cachorras Orientales
AJW - 1995 - Zenjo Movement 1995, notte 40 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Double Inoue (Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue) VS Rie Tamada & Yumiko Hotta
AJW - 1995 - Zenjo Movement 1995, notte 40 - Tag Team Match
Kumiko Maekawa & Yuka Shiina VS Tomoko Watanabe & Yumi Fukawa
AJW - 1995 - Zenjo Movement 1995, notte 40 - Tag Team Match
Misae Watanabe (c) VS Yoshiko Tamura
AJW - 1995 - Zenjo Movement 1995, notte 40 - AJW Junior Championship Match
Nobue Endo VS Yoko Takahashi
AJW - 1995 - Zenjo Movement 1995, notte 40
Riki Choshu & Tatsumi Fujinami & Yoshiaki Fujiwara VS Masahiro Chono & Shinya Hashimoto & Power Warrior
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) VS Keiji Muto & Hiroshi Hase
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8 - Tag Team Match
The Great Sasuke VS Jushin Thunder Liger
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8
Yoshiaki Yatsu VS Kengo Kimura
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8
Osamu Kido VS Michiyoshi Ohara
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8
Takayuki Iizuka VS The Great Kabuki
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8
Hiro Saito VS Akira Nogami
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8
The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) VS Lord Steven Regal & Max Moon
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8 - Tag Team Match
Black Cat & American Machine & Black Tiger II VS El Samurai & Flying Scorpio & Shinjiro Otani
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Tadao Yasuda VS Yuji Nagata & Tokimitsu Ishizawa
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, notte 8 - Tag Team Match
Super Generation Army (Kenta Kobashi (c) & Mitsuharu Misawa (c)) VS Holy Demon Army (Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada)
AJPW - 1994 - Super Power Series 1994, notte 6 - AJPW World Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Johnny Ace & Steve Williams & Tom Prichard VS Giant Baba & Stan Hansen & Takao Omori
AJPW - 1994 - Super Power Series 1994, notte 6 - Six-Person Tag Team Match





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