Gorilla Position

Tom Prichard

Combattimenti di Tom Prichard i più votati e i più recenti, filtra per avversari, clausole, promozioni o altro. Statistiche.

Aggiungi nella vita reale

Squadre e scuderie di wrestling

Combattimenti più recenti

Tommy Dreamer & The Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock) & The Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2) VS Raven & Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard) & Saturn & Kronus & Stevie Richards
ECW - 1995 - December to Dismember - Steel Cage Match , Ultimate Jeopardy Match
Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard) VS The Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock)
ECW - 1995 - December to Dismember - Tag Team Match
Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 1995 - Royal Rumble 1995 - Royal Rumble Match
The Million Dollar Team VS Guts and Glory
WWF - 1994 - Survivor Series 1994 - Survivor Series Match
Abdullah the Butcher & Giant Kimala II VS Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard)
AJPW - 1994 - Super Power Series 1994, notte 16 - Tag Team Match
Johnny Ace & Steve Williams & Tom Prichard VS Giant Baba & Stan Hansen & Takao Omori
AJPW - 1994 - Super Power Series 1994, notte 6 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Luke & Bushwhacker Butch) VS Heavenly Bodies (Tom Prichard & Jimmy Del Ray)
WWF - 1994 - WrestleMania X
Tom Prichard VS Bret Hart
WWF - 1994 - Monday Night Raw #52
The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton (c) & Robert Gibson (c)) VS Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard)
WWF - 1993 - Survivor Series 1993 - SMW Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Mark Thomas & Scott Taylor VS Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard)
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #34 - Tag Team Match
The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner (c)) VS Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard)
WWF - 1993 - SummerSlam 1993 - Tag Team Match , WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Bobby Who & Mike Bucci VS Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray & Tom Prichard)
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #29 - Tag Team Match
Heavenly Bodies (Tom Prichard & Stan Lane) VS The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)
WCW - 1993 - SuperBrawl III - Tag Team Match





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