Savio Vega - Combattimenti
Combattimenti di Savio Vega i più votati e i più recenti, filtra per avversari, clausole, promozioni o altro.
Tag Team Battle Royal #1 Contenders Match
1998 -
WrestleMania XIV
Battle Royal Match
Tag Team Match
Royal Rumble Match
1998 -
Royal Rumble 1998
Royal Rumble Match
Faarooq VS Crush VS Savio Vega
1997 -
Ground Zero: In Your House
Triple Threat Match
Ahmed Johnson VS Nation Of Domination (Faarooq & Savio Vega & Crush)
1997 -
In Your House 15: A Cold Day in Hell
Gauntlet Match
Nation Of Domination (Faarooq & Crush & Savio Vega) VS Legion Of Doom (Hawk & Animal) & Ahmed Johnson
1997 -
WrestleMania 13
Chicago Street Fight Match
Bart Gunn & Flash Funk & Goldust VS Nation Of Domination (Crush & Faarooq & Savio Vega)
1997 -
In Your House 13: Final Four
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Royal Rumble Match
1997 -
Royal Rumble 1997
Royal Rumble Match
Diesel & Faarooq & Razor Ramon & Vader VS Flash Funk & Jimmy Snuka & Savio Vega & Yokozuna
1996 -
Survivor Series 1996
Survivor Series Match