Gorilla Position

WCW - Combattimenti

Gli ultimi e più grandi combattimenti della promozione World Championship Wrestling, ordina per catheur, stipulazione, data o luogo.

3 Count VS Evan Karagias & Jamie Knoble VS Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi & Yun Yang)
WCW - 2000 - Mayhem 2000 - Tag Team Match , Three-Way Match
Mike Sanders (c) VS Kwee Wee
WCW - 2000 - Mayhem 2000 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Sting VS Kevin Nash
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final - Special Guest Referee Match
Booker T (c) VS Scott Steiner
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Alex Wright VS Mike Awesome VS Kevin Nash
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final - Three-Way Match
The Natural Born Thrillers VS Alex Wright & Gen. Rection
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final - Tag Team Match , WCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Fit Finlay VS Norman Smiley
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final - Octoberfest Hardcore Match
Lance Storm (c) VS Gen. Rection
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final - WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match
Ernest Miller VS Mike Sanders
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final
Elix Skipper VS Kwee Wee
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final
Batte Royal Match
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final - Battle Royal Match
The Filthy Animals VS KroniK (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
WCW - 2000 - Millennium Final - Tag Team Match
Goldberg VS KroniK (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
WCW - 2000 - Halloween Havoc 2000 - Career Threatening Match , Elimination Match , Handicap Match
Booker T (c) VS Scott Steiner
WCW - 2000 - Halloween Havoc 2000 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Scott Steiner VS Booker T (c)
WCW - 2000 - Halloween Havoc 2000 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett VS Sting
WCW - 2000 - Halloween Havoc 2000
Gen. Rection VS Lance Storm (c) & Jim Duggan
WCW - 2000 - Halloween Havoc 2000 - Handicap Match , WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match
Mike Awesome VS Vampiro
WCW - 2000 - Halloween Havoc 2000
Mike Sanders VS Ernest Miller
WCW - 2000 - Halloween Havoc 2000 - Kickboxing Match
Buff Bagwell VS David Flair
WCW - 2000 - Halloween Havoc 2000 - First Blood Match





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