Risultati di Catch As Catch Christmas
Mostra risultati PVW - Catch As Catch Christmas (Bristol, Stati Uniti - 2024)
Modalità filtro
Michael Mistretta sconfigge Alan Compass e Johnny Pierce e Jeremy La Croix e Sylvan e Samuel Radcliffe
Six-Way Match
The YoungBoy & Selena Hekate sconfiggono Dajae Simone & Dan DeMan
Tag Team Match
Garrett Holiday sconfigge Giorgio Lawrence
Peter Gianni sconfigge Jiggie Sosa e Stan Michael
Three-Way Match
Pretty Papi & Hippy Dicky Moon sconfiggono Jay Bryxx & SuperFro
Tag Team Match
Bull Dredd sconfigge Ryan Fraust (c)
PVW Break The Chains Championship Match
Hardcore Match