Risultati di Welcome To The Doghouse 2: MoundTucky Meyhem
Mostra risultati DHW - Welcome To The Doghouse 2: MoundTucky Meyhem (Mound, Stati Uniti - 2024)
Modalità filtro
Money Miguel & JDX & Rampage Santana sconfiggono Rasheed Bati & Wyatt Tordsen
DHW Tag Team Championship Tournament
Handicap Match
Jason Rage & Shay Diesel sconfiggono Kyle Buley & Kanan Korus
DHW Tag Team Championship Tournament
Tag Team Match
No Contest : Garrisaon Creed VS X (c)
DHW Heavyweight Championship Match
Money Miguel & JDX & Rampage Santana sconfiggono Jason Rage & Shay Diesel
Handicap Match
Heather Reckless sconfigge Sylvia Faye
Women's Championship Tournament Qualifying
The System & Macauly Rose sconfiggono Money Miguel & JDX & Rampage Santana
DHW Tag Team Championship Tournament
Handicap Match