Risultati di Retro World Expo 2023
notte 2
Mostra risultati B!P - Retro World Expo 2023 - Notte 2 (Hartford, Stati Uniti - 2023)
Modalità filtro
35mm Magic (Angelo Carter (c) & JGeorge (c)) sconfiggono Even Stevens (Stephen Azure & Steve Somerset) e Shook Crew (Bobby Orlando & Bryce Donovan)
Tag Team Match
B!P Tag Team Championship Match
Skylar sconfigge Gabby Forza
Travis Huckabee sconfigge King Crab
Andy Brown (c) sconfigge Ryan Mooney e Jeremy Leary e Kwesi Asante e Perry Von Vicious
B!P Bedlam Championship Match
Five-Way Match
Leo Sparrow sconfigge Sebastian Amor e Delightful Dan The God Damn Candy Man
Three-Way Match
Logan Black sconfigge The Sweeper
Delta House sconfigge ABBS & Kirby Wackerman
Tag Team Match
Gabby Forza sconfigge Jeremy Leary e ABBS e Angelo Carter e Dante Drago e Leo Sparrow e Delightful Dan The God Damn Candy Man e Nick Robles e Kirby Wackerman e Logan Black e Ryan Mooney e Sebastian Amor e Stephen Azure e Steve Somerset e The Sweeper e Andy Brown e Bryce Donovan e King Crab e JGeorge e Skylar e Perry Von Vicious e Travis Huckabee
Battle Royal Match