Gorilla Position


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Trova gli ultimi incontri di wrestling, ordinati per compagnia (WWE, AEW, NJPW, ecc.), wrestler (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, ecc.), stipula o data o luogo dell'incontro.

Hollywood Hogan (c) VS Sting
WCW - 1997 - Starrcade 1997 - WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Eric Bischoff VS Larry Zbyszko
WCW - 1997 - Starrcade 1997 - Special Guest Referee Match
Diamond Dallas Page VS Curt Hennig (c)
WCW - 1997 - Starrcade 1997 - WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match
Buff Bagwell VS Lex Luger
WCW - 1997 - Starrcade 1997
Saturn VS Chris Benoit
WCW - 1997 - Starrcade 1997 - Raven's Rules Match
Steve McMichael VS Goldberg
WCW - 1997 - Starrcade 1997
The nWo VS The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) & Ray Traylor
WCW - 1997 - Starrcade 1997 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Dean Malenko VS Eddie Guerrero (c)
WCW - 1997 - Starrcade 1997 - WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Ken Shamrock
WWF - 1997 - D-Generation X: In Your House - WWF Championship Match
The Rock VS "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (c)
WWF - 1997 - D-Generation X: In Your House - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett VS The Undertaker
WWF - 1997 - D-Generation X: In Your House
Triple H VS Sgt. Slaughter
WWF - 1997 - D-Generation X: In Your House - Boot Camp Match
New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg (c) & Billy Gunn (c)) VS Legion Of Doom (Hawk & Animal)
WWF - 1997 - D-Generation X: In Your House - Tag Team Match , WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Butterbean VS Marc Mero
WWF - 1997 - D-Generation X: In Your House - Toughman Match
Los Boricuas VS Disciples Of Apocalypse (Chainz & 8 Ball & Skull)
WWF - 1997 - D-Generation X: In Your House - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Taka Michinoku VS Brian Christopher
WWF - 1997 - D-Generation X: In Your House - WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Match
Super Generation Army (Jun Akiyama & Mitsuharu Misawa) VS Holy Demon Army (Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada)
AJPW - 1997 - Real World Tag League 1997, notte 15 - Tag Team Match
Giant Kimala II & Johnny Smith & Wolf Hawkfield VS GET & Mossman
AJPW - 1997 - Real World Tag League 1997, notte 15 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Barry Windham & Gary Albright & Steve Williams VS Bobby Duncum Jr. & Stan Hansen & Takao Omori
AJPW - 1997 - Real World Tag League 1997, notte 15 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Haruka Eigen & Masanobu Fuchi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi VS Giant Baba & Mitsuo Momota & Rusher Kimura
AJPW - 1997 - Real World Tag League 1997, notte 15 - Six-Person Tag Team Match





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