Gorilla Position

Earls Court Exhibition Centre


The Power Trip VS The Undertaker
WWF - 2001 - Insurrextion 2001 - Handicap Match , WWF Championship Match
Chris Jericho VS William Regal
WWF - 2001 - Insurrextion 2001
Kurt Angle VS Chris Benoit
WWF - 2001 - Insurrextion 2001 - Two Out Of Three Falls Match
Team Xtreme (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) VS The X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible) VS The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley) VS Edge & Christian
WWF - 2001 - Insurrextion 2001 - Elimination Match , Four-Way Match , Tag Team Match
Bradshaw VS Big Show
WWF - 2001 - Insurrextion 2001
The Radicalz VS The Hollys (Crash Holly & Hardcore Holly) & Molly Holly
WWF - 2001 - Insurrextion 2001 - Mixed Match , Six-Person Tag Team Match
Eddie Guerrero VS Grand Master Sexay
WWF - 2001 - Insurrextion 2001
The Rock (c) VS Shane McMahon VS Triple H
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion - Triple Threat Match , WWF Championship Match
Eddie Guerrero (c) VS Chris Jericho
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion - WWF European Championship Match
Edge (c) & Christian (c) VS Team Xtreme (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy)
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion - Tag Team Match , WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Crash Holly (c) VS The British Bulldog
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion - Hardcore Match , WWF Hardcore Championship Match
Chris Benoit VS Kurt Angle
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion
Rikishi & Showkishi VS The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley)
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion - Tag Team Match
The Kat VS Terri Runnels
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion - Arm Wrestling Match
Bradshaw VS Road Dogg
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion
Kane VS Bull Buchanan
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion
The Radicalz VS Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty & Grand Master Sexay)
WWF - 2000 - Insurrextion - Tag Team Match





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