Gorilla Position

T.J. Perkins - Matchs

Matchs de T.J. Perkins les mieux notés et les plus récents, filtrez selon ses adversaires, stipulations, promotions ou autre.

Ash Riot & Mark Davis VS Hook Bomberry & T.J. Perkins
PWG - 2008 - All Star Weekend 7, nuit 1 - Tag Team Match
Charles Mercury & Mikey Nicholls VS Hook Bomberry & T.J. Perkins
PWG - 2008 - Life During Wartime - Tag Team Match
2.0, LeRae & Sky VS The Dynasty, Bomberry & Perkins
PWG - 2008 - Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Title Tournament 2008, nuit 2 - Eight-person Tag Team Match
Ronin & Scorpio Sky VS Hook Bomberry & T.J. Perkins
PWG - 2008 - It's A Gift... And A Curse - Tag Team Match
Hook Bomberry & T.J. Perkins VS The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) VS Los Luchas (Phoenix Star & Zokre) VS Ronin & Scorpio Sky
PWG - 2008 - 1.21 Gigawatts - Tag Team Match , Four Corners Match , Elimination Match
Ronin & Scorpio Sky VS Hook Bomberry & T.J. Perkins
PWG - 2008 - Scared Straight - DDT4 Qualifying Round Robin Series 2008 - Tag Team Match
Hook Bomberry & T.J. Perkins VS Los Luchas (Phoenix Star & Zokre)
PWG - 2008 - ¡Dia De Los Dangerous! - DDT4 Qualifying Round Robin Series 2008 - Tag Team Match
Hook Bomberry & T.J. Perkins VS The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)
PWG - 2008 - Pearl Habra - DDT4 Qualifying Round Robin Series 2008 - Tag Team Match
Ronin VS Frankie Kazarian VS T.J. Perkins VS Hook Bomberry
PWG - 2005 - Straight To DVD - Elimination Match , Four-Way Match
Disco Machine & Excalibur & Ronin VS Chris Sabin & Hook Bomberry & T.J. Perkins
PWG - 2005 - Battle Of Los Angeles 2005, nuit 2 - Six-Person Tag Team Match





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