Gorilla Position

Colt Cabana - Matchs

Matchs de Colt Cabana les mieux notés et les plus récents, filtrez selon ses adversaires, stipulations, promotions ou autre.

Brodie Lee & The Dark Order (Colt Cabana & Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) VS Matt Cardona & Scorpio Sky & Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes & Q. T. Marshall)
AEW - 2020 - All Out 2020 - Eight-person Tag Team Match
The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Mr. Brodie Lee & Stu Grayson & Nine & Colt Cabana) & Five VS ジ・エリート (Adam Page & Kenny Omega & Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) & FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #44 - Twelve-person Tag Team Match
SCU (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) VS The Dark Order (Mr. Brodie Lee & Stu Grayson & Colt Cabana)
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #40, nuit 2 - Fyter Fest 2020 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss VS The Dark Order (Colt Cabana & Mr. Brodie Lee)
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #38 - Tag Team Match
Colt Cabana VS Sammy Guevara
ABC - 2020 - Dynamite #36
Colt Cabana VS Chris Jericho
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #35
TNT Championship #1 Contendership Battle Royal
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #34 - Battle Royal Match , AEW TNT Championship Concurrent n°1
Casino Ladder Match
AEW - 2020 - Double or Nothing 2020 - Casino Ladder Match Match
Colt Cabana VS Lance Archer
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #28 - AEW Inaugural TNT Championship Tournament
The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno & Stu Grayson & John Silver) VS SCU (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) & Colt Cabana
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #22 - Eight-person Tag Team Match
Alex Shelley VS Colt Cabana
ROH - 2019 - Final Battle 2019
Marty Scurll VS Colt Cabana
ROH - 2019 - Death Before Dishonor 2019
Willie Mack (c) VS Colt Cabana
NWA ,  ROH - 2019 - The Crockett Cup 2019 - NWA National Heavyweight Championship Match
Honor Rumble Match
NJPW ,  ROH - 2019 - G1 Supercard - Honor Rumble Match
Shota Umino & Tencozy (Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan) VS Colt Cabana & Michael Elgin & Toa Henare
NJPW - 2019 - New Japan Cup 2019, nuit 12 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Over Budget Battle Royal
Indy - 2018 - All In - Battle Royal Match
Toru Yano VS Colt Cabana
ROH - 2017 - Global Wars 2017, nuit 4
Colt Cabana & Kenny King VS BULLET CLUB (Marty Scurll & Hangman Page)
ROH - 2017 - Global Wars 2017, nuit 3 - Tag Team Match
Colt Cabana VS Kenny King VS Josh Bodom
ROH ,  CMLL ,  NJPW ,  RevPro - 2017 - War Of The World UK, nuit 3 - Three-Way Match
Chris Sabin VS Colt Cabana
ROH - 2016 - Survival Of The Fittest 2016 - Night 2





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