Gorilla Position

PWG - Matchs

Les derniers et les meilleurs combats de la promotion Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, triez par catcheur, stipulation, date ou lieu.

Bryan Danielson (c) VS Jack Evans
PWG - 2007 - The High Cost Of Doing Business - PWG World Championship Match
Chris Hero VS Eddie Kingston & Human Tornado
PWG - 2007 - The High Cost Of Doing Business - Handicap Match
Scorpio Sky VS Rocky Romero
PWG - 2007 - The High Cost Of Doing Business
El Generico VS Roderick Strong
PWG - 2007 - The High Cost Of Doing Business
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) VS The Dynasty (Joey Ryan & Scott Lost)
PWG - 2007 - The High Cost Of Doing Business - Tag Team Match
T.J. Perkins VS Claudio Castagnoli
PWG - 2007 - The High Cost Of Doing Business
Ronin VS Karl Anderson
PWG - 2007 - The High Cost Of Doing Business
Kevin Steen & Pac VS Davey Richards (c) & Super Dragon (c)
wXw ,  PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - Germany - Tag Team Match , PWG World Tag Team Championship Match
Joey Ryan VS Ares
wXw ,  PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - Germany
Austin Aries VS Emil Sitoci
wXw ,  PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - Germany
El Generico VS Bryan Danielson (c)
wXw ,  PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - Germany - PWG World Championship Match
Human Tornado VS Marc Roudin
wXw ,  PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - Germany
Diego Latino VS Wesley Croton VS Marc Slater VS Chris Hero
wXw ,  PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - Germany - Four-Way Match , Gauntlet Match
T-Bones VS Kenichiro Arai & Lupin Matsutani
wXw ,  PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - Germany - Tag Team Match
El Generico (c) & Kevin Steen (c) VS Davey Richards & Super Dragon
PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - England - Tag Team Match , PWG World Tag Team Championship Match
Human Tornado VS Pac
PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - England
James Tighe VS Andy Boy Simmonz (c)
PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - England - IPW UK Championship Match
Bryan Danielson (c) VS Martin Stone
PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - England - PWG World Championship Match
The Hated Heroes VS The Kartel
PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - England - Tag Team Match
Austin Aries VS Zebra Kid
PWG - 2007 - European Vacation II - England





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