Gorilla Position

PWG - Matchs

Les derniers et les meilleurs combats de la promotion Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, triez par catcheur, stipulation, date ou lieu.

American Dragon VS Samoa Joe
PWG - 2004 - Uncanny X-Mas - No Time Limit Match
Arrogance (Chris Bosh (c) & Scott Lost (c)) VS The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero)
PWG - 2004 - Uncanny X-Mas - PWG World Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Spanky VS Colt Cabana
PWG - 2004 - Uncanny X-Mas
Jonny Storm VS Super Dragon (c)
PWG - 2004 - Uncanny X-Mas - PWG World Championship Match
The Aerial Express (Quicksilver & Scorpio Sky) VS El Generico & Kevin Steen
PWG - 2004 - Uncanny X-Mas - Tag Team Match
Austin Aries VS Chris Hero
PWG - 2004 - Uncanny X-Mas
Christopher Daniels VS Tony Stradlin
PWG - 2004 - Uncanny X-Mas
Excalibur & Top Gun Talwar VS Human Tornado & Ronin
PWG - 2004 - Uncanny X-Mas - Tag Team Match
Scott Lost VS American Dragon
PWG - 2004 - Free Admission!! (Just Kidding)
El Generico VS Kevin Steen
PWG - 2004 - Free Admission!! (Just Kidding)
Jack Evans VS Christopher Daniels
PWG - 2004 - Free Admission!! (Just Kidding)
Frankie Kazarian (c) VS Super Dragon
PWG - 2004 - Free Admission!! (Just Kidding) - PWG World Championship Match
The Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero) VS Apollo Kahn & Hook Bomberry
PWG - 2004 - Free Admission!! (Just Kidding) - Tag Team Match
Puma VS Tony Stradlin
PWG - 2004 - Free Admission!! (Just Kidding)
Los Rojo Locos VS S.B.S. (Disco Machine & Excalibur)
PWG - 2004 - Free Admission!! (Just Kidding) - Tag Team Match
Joey Ryan VS Super Dragon
PWG - 2004 - Use Your Illusion 4 - Iron Man Match
Jigsaw & Hallowicked & Larry Sweeney VS Team FIST & Quanckenbush
PWG - 2004 - Use Your Illusion 4 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Frankie Kazarian (c) VS Ricky Reyes
PWG - 2004 - Use Your Illusion 4 - PWG World Championship Match
Arrogance (Chris Bosh (c) & Scott Lost (c)) VS The Aerial Express (Quicksilver & Scorpio Sky)
PWG - 2004 - Use Your Illusion 4 - PWG World Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Puma VS Top Gun Talwar
PWG - 2004 - Use Your Illusion 4





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