Gorilla Position

NJPW - Matchs

Les derniers et les meilleurs combats de la promotion New Japan Pro Wrestling, triez par catcheur, stipulation, date ou lieu.

Riki Choshu & Tatsumi Fujinami & Yoshiaki Fujiwara VS Masahiro Chono & Shinya Hashimoto & Power Warrior
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) VS Keiji Muto & Hiroshi Hase
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8 - Tag Team Match
The Great Sasuke VS Jushin Thunder Liger
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8
Yoshiaki Yatsu VS Kengo Kimura
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8
Osamu Kido VS Michiyoshi Ohara
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8
Takayuki Iizuka VS The Great Kabuki
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8
Hiro Saito VS Akira Nogami
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8
The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) VS Lord Steven Regal & Max Moon
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8 - Tag Team Match
Black Cat & American Machine & Black Tiger II VS El Samurai & Flying Scorpio & Shinjiro Otani
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Tadao Yasuda VS Yuji Nagata & Tokimitsu Ishizawa
NJPW - 1994 - Summer Strugle 1994, nuit 8 - Tag Team Match
The Great Sasuke VS Wild Pegasus
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
Jushin Liger VS The Great Sasuke
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
Gedo VS Wild Pegasus
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
Ricky Fuji VS Jushin Liger
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
El Samurai VS The Great Sasuke
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
Wild Pegasus VS Black Tiger II
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
Gedo VS Super Delfin
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
Jushin Liger VS Hayabusa
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
Negro Casas VS Ricky Fuji
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage
Masayoshi Motegi VS El Samurai
NJPW - 1994 - Super J-Cup: 1st Stage





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