Résultats de Dazzling
Résultats du show Hoodslam - Dazzling (Oakland, États-Unis - 2024)
Date de diffusion
Date d'enregistrement
Joey Gonzo bat Brittany Wonder et James Curtis et Rob Hands et Lara Frazier et Rick Scott Stoner
Six-Way Match
Best Athlete In The East Bay Championship Concurrent n°1
Viva Van (c) bat Mighty Mayra
GLAM Championship Match
D-Torch bat Jaguar Montoya
Thrussy (DARK Sheik & Allie Katch & Effy) battent Grief Conselour Marco & Vipress & Juice Lee
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Mylo (c) bat Bart Man
Hoodslam Champion Ship Championship Match
Anton Voorhees bat Cereal Man
Kenny K (c) bat 1 Called Manders
Best Athlete In The East Bay Championship Match