Gorilla Position

Brent Albright - Luchas

Lutas de Brent Albright mejor valorados y más nuevos, filtrar por oponentes, estipulaciones, promociones u otro.

Blue Demon Jr. VS Brent Albright VS Claudio Castagnoli
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009 - Three-Way Match
Sweet & Sour Inc. VS Ace Steel & Brent Albright & Erick Stevens & Jay Briscoe & Roderick Strong
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision - Steel Cage Warfare Match
Sweet & Sour Inc. VS Roderick Strong & Brent Albright & Ace Steel
ROH - 2009 - Rising Above 2008 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Brent Albright & Erick Stevens & Roderick Strong VS Go Shiozaki & American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards)
ROH - 2008 - Final Battle 2008 - Six-Person Tag Team Match , Street Fight Match
Brent Albright & Erick Stevens VS Sweet & Sour Inc.
ROH - 2008 - Driven 2008 - Tag Team Match
Brent Albright (c) VS Adam Pearce
ROH - 2008 - Glory By Honor VII - NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match
Sweet & Sour Inc. VS Brent Albright & Delirious & Pelle Primeau
ROH - 2008 - Respect is Earned II - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Brent Albright VS Erick Stevens
ROH - 2008 - Take No Prisoners
Delirious VS Brent Albright
ROH - 2008 - Rising Above
Delirious & Kevin Steen VS The Hangmen 3
ROH - 2008 - Undeniable - Tag Team Match
The YRR VS B. J. Whitmer & Brent Albright
ROH - 2007 - Man Up - Tag Team Match
The Hangmen Three VS Kevin Steen & Delirious
ROH - 2007 - Glory By Honor VI, noche 2 - Tag Team Match
Kevin Steen & El Generico VS The Hangmen Three
ROH - 2007 - Glory By Honor VI, noche 1 - Tag Team Match
Pelle Primeau VS Brent Albright
ROH - 2007 - Driven
Brent Albright VS Tank Toland
ROH - 2007 - Respect is Earned
Brent Albright & Jimmy Jacobs VS Colt Cabana & B. J. Whitmer
ROH - 2006 - Final Battle 2006 - Tag Team Match
Colt Cabana VS Brent Albright
ROH - 2006 - International Challenge





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