Bart Gunn
Lutas de Bart Gunn mejor valorados y más nuevos, filtrar por oponentes, estipulaciones, promociones u otro. Estadísticas.
Equipos de lucha libre y establos
Peleas mejor valoradas
Timothy Well & Steven Dunn VS The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn)
1993 -
Monday Night Raw #38
Tag Team Match
Equipos de lucha libre y establos
Ha compartido mucho el ring con
Peleas más recientes
Vader VS Bart Gunn
1999 -
Super Power Series 1999, noche 14
Bart Gunn VS Butterbean
1999 -
WrestleMania XV
Special Guest Referee Match
Brawl for All Match
Head Bangers (Mosh & Thrasher) VS Bart Gunn & Jesse James
1997 -
King of The Ring 1997
Tag Team Match
Bart Gunn & Flash Funk & Goldust VS Nation Of Domination (Crush & Faarooq & Savio Vega)
1997 -
In Your House 13: Final Four
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Royal Rumble Match
1997 -
Royal Rumble 1997
Royal Rumble Match
Aldo Montoya & Bart Gunn & Bob Holly & Jesse James VS Billy Gunn & Salvatore Sincere & Justin Bradshaw & The Sultan
1996 -
Survivor Series 1996
Survivor Series Match
The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn) VS Owen Hart (c) & The British Bulldog
1996 -
In Your House 11: Buried Alive
Tag Team Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn (c) & Bart Gunn (c)) VS Owen Hart & The British Bulldog
1996 -
In Your House 10: Mind Games
Tag Team Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Bodydonnas (Skip & Zip) VS The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn (c) & Bart Gunn (c)) VS The New Rockers VS The Godwins (Henry O. Godwin & Phineas I. Godwinn)
1996 -
SummerSlam 1996
Fatal Four-Way Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn) VS Bodydonnas (Skip & Zip)
1996 -
In Your House 9: International Incident
Tag Team Match
The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn (c) & Billy Gunn (c)) VS The Godwins (Henry O. Godwin & Phineas I. Godwinn)
1996 -
King of the Ring 1996
Tag Team Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
The Godwins (Henry O. Godwin (c) & Phineas I. Godwinn (c)) VS The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn)
1996 -
In Your House 8: Beware of Dog
Tag Team Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn (c)) VS Bodydonnas (Skip & Zip)
1996 -
Royal Rumble 1996
Tag Team Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Yokozuna & Isaac Yankem, DDS & Bodydonnas (Skip & Zip) VS Barry Horowitz & The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn) & Hakushi
1995 -
In Your House 5
Eight-person Tag Team Match
The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn) VS The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge)
1995 -
Survivor Series 1995
Tag Team Match
The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn (c) & Bart Gunn (c)) VS 1-2-3 Kid & Razor Ramon
1995 -
In Your House 4
Tag Team Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn) VS The Blu Brothers
1995 -
SummerSlam 1995
Tag Team Match
The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn) VS Owen Hart (c) & Yokozuna (c)
1995 -
In Your House
Tag Team Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn (c) & Bart Gunn (c)) VS Owen Hart & Yokozuna
1995 -
WrestleMania XI
Tag Team Match
WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Royal Rumble Match
1995 -
Royal Rumble 1995
Royal Rumble Match