Bang And Matthews ( August Matthews & Davey Bang ) VS To Infinity And Beyond ( Colin Delaney & Cheech ) VS UltraMantis Black & Hallowicked VS Latinos Most Wanted ( Koda Hernandez & Sabin Gauge )
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- August Matthews
- Davey Bang
- Colin Delaney
- Cheech
- UltraMantis Black
- Hallowicked
- Koda Hernandez
- Sabin Gauge
Lucha Libre
Mikey Montgomery
Chuck Stone
Tyson Riggs
Tre Lamar
Alec Price
Dex Royal
Elijah Dean
Eric Taylor
Zach Nystrom
Philly Collins
Marino Tenaglia
Wes Barkley
Eight-person Tag Team
Dominic Garrini
Tom Lawlor
Joshua Bishop
Jason Bane
Josh Prohibition
Tyler Jordan
Two Out Of Three Falls
August Matthews
Davey Bang
Colin Delaney
UltraMantis Black
Koda Hernandez
Sabin Gauge
Four-Way Tag Team
Magnum CK
Derek Dillinger
Dog Collar
Isaiah Broner
Sam Holloway
AIW Absolute Championship
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