Resultados de Gauntlet For The Gold 17
Mostrar resultados AIW - Gauntlet For The Gold 17 (Cleveland, Estados Unidos - 2024)
Money Shot (Elijah Dean (c) & Zach Nystrom (c)) derrotan To Infinity And Beyond (Colin Delaney & Cheech)
Tag Team Match
AIW Tag Team Championship Match
Alec Price derrota Dex Royal y Marino Tenaglia y Mikey Montgomery
Four-Way Match
Joshua Bishop derrota Sam Holloway
Wes Barkley derrota Derek Dillinger
Tom Lawlor & Shaw Mason & Tyler Jordan derrotan Sidney Von Engeland & Dominic Garrini & Xay Garcia
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Eric Taylor (c) derrota Philly Collins
AIW Intense Championship Match
Chuck Stone derrota Isaiah Broner (c)
AIW Absolute Championship Match
Matt Cross derrota Josh Prohibition
Duke Vitoria par defecto