Resultados de Thursday Night Fights
Mostrar resultados 880 - Thursday Night Fights (New Kensington, Estados Unidos - 2024)
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Mapa Principale
Zeke Mercer derrota Brandon St. James
The Runway (Calvin Couture & Tyler Klein) derrotan Sammy Suntheimer & Mikey Montgomery
Tag Team Match
Marco Narcisso derrota Paris Sahara
Alao Dreams & Andey Ripley & Irving West derrotan Dev Swayze & Avalanche Adams & Jim Fridge
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Dior Castro derrota MV Young
Reese Hayes & Keith Haught & The Unwilting Tatiana derrotan Brohemoth & Nix Wilde & Gianni Michael Emricko
Six-Person Tag Team Match