Resultados de Thriller In The Miller 2
Mostrar resultados 2econd - Thriller In The Miller 2 (Chicago, Estados Unidos - 2025)
Rafael Quintero derrota Dreamboy001 y Luke Kurtis y Jordan Kross
Four-Way Match
CJ Martin derrota Ares Creed
Eddie Grayson & Jack Valor derrotan Highlight Reel (Damien Reel & Damon Reel)
Tag Team Match
Sean Login (c) derrota Dustin Jackson
Maxwell Street Heritage Championship Match
Kylie Rae derrota Blair Onyx y Rachel Armstrong
Three-Way Match
Axel Rico & Akira Gonzalez X & Ezio Orlandi derrotan Koda Hernandez & Stone Ambrose & Darius Latrell
Six-Person Tag Team Match
David Ali (c) derrota Darin Corbin
2econd Championship Match