Saemi Numata
Matches of Saemi Numata (under different names) top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.
Last added fights
Saemi Numata VS Tomoya Hasegawa
2023 -
Wednesday Curry Pro Wrestling
Numatchi (c) VS Sumio Toyama
1993 -
Thunder Queen Battle in Yokohama
AJW Junior Championship Match
Kaoru Ito & Saemi Numata & Tomoko Kitamura VS Michiko Futagami & Miho Kitamura & Takako Kuzumi
1993 -
Dream Slam 2
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Eriko Yoshinaga & Yoshika Maedomari VS Saemi Numata & Terri Powers
1993 -
Dream Slam 1
Tag Team Match
Akemi Torisu & Saemi Numata VS Chikako Hasegawa & Rie Tamada
1992 -
Mid Summer Typhoon
Tag Team Match