Match Types
Gorilla Position

First Union Center


Too Cool VS Team Xtreme (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy)
WWF - 1999 - SmackDown #12 - Tag Team Match
D'Lo Brown VS Test
WWF - 1999 - SmackDown #12
Al Snow & Mankind VS The Hollys (Hardcore Holly (c) & Crash Holly (c))
WWF - 1999 - SmackDown #12 - Tag Team Match , WWF World Tag Team Championship Match
The Rock (c) VS "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - No-Disqualification Match , WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Undertaker VS Big Boss Man
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - Hell in a Cell Match
X-Pac VS Shane McMahon (c)
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - WWF European Championship Match
Sable (c) VS Tori
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - WWF Women's Championship Match
Triple H VS Kane
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV
Goldust VS Ken Shamrock VS Road Dogg (c) VS Val Venis
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - Elimination Match , WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Match , Four Corners Match
Big Show VS Mankind
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV
Bart Gunn VS Butterbean
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - Special Guest Referee Match , Brawl for All Match
Owen Hart (c) & Jeff Jarrett (c) VS D'Lo Brown & Test
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - Tag Team Match , WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Billy Gunn (c) VS Hardcore Holly VS Al Snow
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - Triple Threat Match , WWF Hardcore Championship Match
Battle Royal #1 Tag Team Contenders Match
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV - Battle Royal Match , Tag Team Match
Ivory VS Jacqueline
WWF - 1999 - WrestleMania XV





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