Yasha Kurenai - Fights
Matches of Yasha Kurenai top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.
Aja Kong VS Andy Wu VS Aja Kong VS Kaizoku Majin Viking VS Konaka VS Maya Yukihi VS Minoru Fujita VS Ken VS Yasufumi Nakanoue VS Yusaku Ito VS Towa Iwasaki VS Yuko Miyamoto VS Ore no Honke no Yuiga VS Fuminori Abe VS Tetsuhiro Kuroda VS Yuko Miyamoto
2023 -
Miyamoto Independence Performance 2023
Battle Royal Match
Eagle Sawai & Yasha Kurenai VS Aja Kong & Sakie Hasegawa
1993 -
Tag League The Best 1993, night 43
Tag Team Match