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Serena Deeb - Fights

Matches of Serena Deeb top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.

Serena Deeb VS Hikaru Shida
AEW - 2021 - Dynamite #108
Serena Deeb VS Hikaru Shida
AEW - 2021 - Dynamite #105 - Anniversary Show
Serena Deeb (c) VS Riho
AEW - 2021 - Double or Nothing 2021 - NWA World Women's Championship Match
Red Velvet VS Serena Deeb (c)
AEW - 2021 - Dynamite #85 - NWA World Women's Championship Match
Riho VS Serena Deeb
AEW - 2021 - Dynamite #72
Serena Deeb (c) VS Tay Conti
AEW - 2021 - Dynamite #67 - New Year's Smash 2021 - NWA World Women's Championship Match
Big Swole & Serena Deeb VS Diamante & Ivelisse
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #63 - Tag Team Match
Serena Deeb (c) VS Allysin Kay
AEW - 2020 - Full Gear 2020 - NWA World Women's Championship Match
Serena Deeb (c) VS Leyla Hirsch
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #56 - NWA World Women's Championship Match
Big Swole VS Serena Deeb
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #53 - Chris Jericho's 30th Anniversary Celebration
Thunder Rosa VS Serena Deeb
AEW - 2020 - Dynamite #48
Serena Deeb VS Awesome Kong
TNA - 2008 - Slammiversary 2008





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