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Sam Houston - Fights

Matches of Sam Houston top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.

Sam Houston VS Jerry Sags
WWF - 1991 - Royal Rumble 1991
Sam Houston VS Steve Lombardi
WWF - 1989 - Royal Rumble 1989
The Ultimate Warrior & Brutus Beefcake & Sam Houston & The Blue Blazer & Jim Brunzell VS The Honky Tonk Man & Ron Bass & Danny Davis & Greg Valentine & Bad News Brown
WWF - 1988 - Survivor Series 1988 - Survivor Series Match
20 Men Battle Royal
WWF - 1988 - WrestleMania IV - Battle Royal Match
20-Man Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 1988 - Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble Match
Sam Houston (c) VS Bill Dundee
JCP ,  NWA - 1986 - Starrcade '86: Night of the Skywalkers - Atlanta - NWA Central States Championship Match
Nelson Royal & Sam Houston VS The Midnight Express
JCP - 1986 - Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup - Tag Team Match
The Batten Twins VS Nelson Royal & Sam Houston
JCP - 1986 - Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup - Tag Team Match
Krusher Khruschev VS Sam Houston
JCP ,  NWA - 1985 - Starrcade '85: The Gathering - Greensboro - NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship Match
Manny Fernandez & Sam Houston & Buzz Tyler VS "Superstar" Billy Graham & Abdullah the Butcher & Konga the Barbarian
JCP - 1985 - The Great American Bash - Six-Person Tag Team Match





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