Prince Albert - Fights
Matches of Prince Albert top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.
Royal Rumble Match
2000 -
Royal Rumble 2000
Royal Rumble Match
Big Show VS Big Boss Man & Mideon & Prince Albert & Viscera
1999 -
Survivor Series 1999
Survivor Series Match
Edge & Christian VS Droz & Prince Albert VS Stevie Richards & The Blue Meanie VS The Hollys (Hardcore Holly & Crash Holly) VS Viscera & Mideon VS The Acolytes (Faarooq & Bradshaw) VS The Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy)
1999 -
SmackDown #3
Tag Team Match
Elimination Match
The Acolytes (Faarooq & Bradshaw) VS Edge & Christian VS Droz & Prince Albert VS The Holly Cousins VS The Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) VS Mideon & Viscera
1999 -
SummerSlam 1999
Tag Team Match
Turmoil Match