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Nikolai Volkoff - Fights

Matches of Nikolai Volkoff top rated and newest, filter by opponents, matchtypes, companies or other.

Gimmick Battle Royal
WWF - 2001 - WrestleMania X-Seven - Battle Royal Match
Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 1992 - Royal Rumble 1992 - Royal Rumble Match , WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match
The Alliance VS The Mercenaries
WWF - 1990 - Survivor Series 1990 - Survivor Series Match
Jim Duggan & Nikolai Volkoff VS The Orient Express
WWF - 1990 - SummerSlam 1990 - Tag Team Match
The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) VS The Bolsheviks
WWF - 1990 - WrestleMania VI - Tag Team Match
10-on-10 Survivor Series Match
WWF - 1988 - Survivor Series 1988 - Survivor Series Match
The Powers of Pain VS The Bolsheviks
WWF - 1988 - SummerSlam - Tag Team Match
20 Men Battle Royal
WWF - 1988 - WrestleMania IV - Battle Royal Match
20-Man Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 1988 - Royal Rumble - Royal Rumble Match
10-on-10 Survivor Series Match
WWF - 1987 - Survivor Series - Survivor Series Match
The Killer Bees VS The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff
WWF - 1987 - WrestleMania III - Tag Team Match
Nikolai Volkoff VS Corporal Kirchner
WWF - 1986 - WrestleMania 2
Dynamite Kid VS Nikolai Volkoff
WWF - 1985 - The Wrestling Classic
The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff VS Barry Windham (c) & Mike Rotunda (c)
WWF - 1985 - WrestleMania - Tag Team Match , WWF Tag Team Championship Match





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