NXT Live
Statistics of WWE - NXT Live (Orlando, United States - 2024)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 2024-06-22
Country United States
State : Florida
City : Orlando
Place : Engelwood Neighborhood Center
Match Details
9 wins or losses
1 draws or no-contests
3 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:00:00 average fight time
00:00:00 total fight time
excluding 10 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Ridge Holland
Wes Lee
Mark Coffey
Joe Coffey
Charlie Dempsey
Stevie Turner
Andre Chase
Jacy Jayne
Tony D'Angelo
Duke Hudson
Fallon Henley
Myles Borne
Sol Ruca
Thea Hail
Damon Kemp
Tatum Paxley
Jakara Jackson
Lash Legend
Edris Enofe
Malik Blade
Dante Chen
Oba Femi
Roxanne Perez
Tavion Heights
Trick Williams
Lola Vice
Luca Crusifino
Izzi Dame
Karmen Petrovic
Arianna Grace
Jaida Parker
Brinley Reece
Adriana Rizzo
Je'Von Evans
Jazmyn Nyx
Lainey Reid
Kendal Grey
Anthony Luke
Layla Diggs
Destinee Brown