WrestleWar '91
Statistics of WCW - WrestleWar '91 (Phoenix, United States - 1991)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 1991-02-21
Country United States
State : Arizona
City : Phoenix
Place : Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Match Details
10 wins or losses
1 draws or no-contests
3 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:10:26 average fight time
01:54:47 total fight time
excluding 0 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Junkyard Dog
Barry Windham
Dan Spivey
Buddy Landel
Sid Vicious
Butch Reed
Ric Flair
Eddy Guerrero
Stan Hansen
Steve Armstrong
Ricky Morton
Lex Luger
Brian Pillman
Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner
Dustin Rhodes
Ron Simmons
Tracy Smothers
Larry Zbyszko
Big Van Vader
Terry Taylor
Michael Hayes
Itsuki Yamazaki
Bobby Eaton
Jimmy Garvin
Brad Armstrong
Tommy Rich
Jack Victory
Rip Morgan
Ultraman II
Rudy Boy
Lt. James Earl Wright
Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
Big Cat
Miss A
Miki Handa
Mami Kitamura
The Z-Man