Total Rumble X
Card, notes and results of the show Triple W - Total Rumble X (Madrid, Spain - 2024)
Main Card
Hades VS Michael May VS Insane La Ira VS Guillermo
Four-Way Match
Guido (c) & Jedu (c) VS Ruky & Trashman Gump
Triple W Tag Team Championship Match
Tag Team Match
Elvis Harrison (c) VS Ochoa
Triple W Absolute Championship Match
Duxx VS Trevor de Vries (c)
Level One Championship Match
Angel Rose VS Artista Anteriormente Conocido Como Anthony Flowers
I Quit Match
Retirement Match
Alexa Jade VS Zozaya VS Cesar Hawk VS Jack Lafita VS Joey Foxx VS Johan VS Jonny Vega VS Judas VS Kassius VS Kaishin VS Jumark VS Adriaan Lemstra VS Blaze VS Bruno Guzman VS Curro VS Francisco VS Guillermo Rosas VS Francesco Palazzo VS Iron Charles VS Gin El Libertario VS Jay Four VS Jesus Rero VS Lilly Rose VS Mortero VS Newt Nova VS Pad Campos VS Padre Paolo VS Orion VS Pibito Vallecano VS Pibito Canario VS Raphael Luponetti VS Saejima VS Pol Badia VS Super Frankie VS TJ Charles VS Solo Paul VS Tyler Jackson VS Viral VS Trevor de Vries VS Yunque
Triple W Absolute Championship Concurrent n°1
Rumble Match