Prestige Rumble
Statistics of SCW - Prestige Rumble (Blue Grass, United States - 2025)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 2025-01-04
Country United States
State : Iowa
City : Blue Grass
Place : Blue Grass Community Center
Match Details
4 wins or losses
0 draws or no-contests
3 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:00:00 average fight time
00:00:00 total fight time
excluding 4 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Dante Leon
Deonn Rusman
Shane Hollister
JT Energy
Dustan Moseley
Johnny Wisdom
Malik Champion
Corn Boi
Augustus Draven
Eric Eznite
James Thomas
Lonzo Romero
Tigre Amore
Jon Bonhart
Carlos Oliva
Jared Thumb
Cash Kennedy
Casey Jax
Mason Beck
Calvin Kelly
JP Finger
Brandon Becker
Ript Studwell
Bruss Hamilton
Dominik Zagreus
Hector de Oro
Robin Steele
Latin Thunder
Connor Braxton