Star 2 Fall
Card, notes and results of the show Nightfall - Star 2 Fall (Brisbane, Australia - 2024)
Aktaion VS Gator
Aktaion VS B-Lars VS David Hockley VS Steven Magnus VS Bruiser VS Daniel Moloney VS Harvey Falco VS Gator VS Harper VS Johnny Adler VS Johnny Hardwood VS Kobra Jones VS Rhys Rayzelle VS Luke Taylor VS PJ O'Connor VS Ryan Redfield VS Hilly Monroe VS Kyza VS Thomas Hockley
Battle Royal Match
Nightfall Pacific Championship Concurrent n°1
Ryan Thorne VS Kobra Jones (c)
VPW Origins Championship Match
Diablo VS Doomslayer
Ryan Redfield (c) & Jackson Shepard (c) VS Luke Taylor & Troll
Tag Team Match
Nightfall Tag Team Championship Match
Bruiser (c) VS Shep Alexander
VPW Championship Match
Inmate 47 VS Harvey Falco
Rhys Rayzelle & Harper Sky & Johnny Hardwood VS Hilly Monroe & Johnny Adler & B-Lars
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Choc Morrus VS Blair Seeker (c)
Nightfall Heavyweight Championship Match