Action Clash
edition 105
Statistics of New South - Action Clash #105 (Scottsboro, United States - 2023)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Broadcasting date : 2023-10-02
Taping date: 2023-09-16
Country United States
State : Alabama
City : Scottsboro
Place : The Rabbit Hole
Match Details
6 wins or losses
0 draws or no-contests
1 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:08:00 average fight time
00:48:05 total fight time
excluding 0 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Rico Gonzalez
Kenzie Paige
Dillon McQueen
Brogan Finlay
Brandon Williams
Donnie Primetime
Hunter Drake
Brayden Toon
Kylie Alexa
Chris Crunkk
Kevin Ryan
Payton Blair
Lizzy Blair
Kaitlyn Marie
Walker XIII
Damon Stryker
Jamesen Shook
Craig Mitchell
I Am Sam
Harrison Haze
Rita Raccoon
Kent Havoc
Zac Johnson
Negative Lee
Brian Hero